"How I Make Millions Per Month

By Sending Millions Of Messages"


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The Bulk DM & SMS Method

Learn step by step how to collect millions of leads, generate traffic, and turn it into money using the Bulk DM & SMS Method

  • Learn how the MDM method works
  • Filter & validate leads for real & active users
  • Generate traffic by sending messages
  • Turn the traffic into paying customers
  • Run the MDMSMS method on autopilot
  • Scale the MDMSMS method
  • Message templates that are proven to convert
  • Database access to 1500+ targets containing 1B+ users, ready for lead generation
MDM Funnel

The True Story Of How I Went From Being Broke And Hating My Life To Now Enjoying My Life, Traveling The World, And Making Millions Per Month

I was born poor like 99.99% of all people in the world. I didn’t have rich parents and realized early on that I didn’t want an average life where I work for others, stuck in the same boring job until I die, trading my time for money just to survive.

I hated school and my only goal in life was to make tons of money so I'd never have to listen to the bullshit of other people. I wanted the freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want!

How I Started Making Money

At 14 years old, I started making $1,500/month flipping used phones, making $50 profit per sale while going to school. Each sale took 1-3 hours, finding deals, negotiating, meeting sellers, inspecting phones, posting ads and closing deals. I even met buyers in the supermarket parking lot during school breaks. I was only able to sell 1 phone per day and realized that I would never get rich by trading time for money.

I hated school, refused to obey teachers and follow rules. They punished me with bad grades, but I didn’t care. I told them “If it doesn’t make money, it’s worthless” and they were shocked.

My parents and the country law forced me to go to school. My parents worked regular jobs and always told me that traditional education was important for my future, but all I wanted was to make real money and escape the system.

Flipping Phones

I Saw The Crazy Rich And Knew I Didn't Want To Settle For An Average Life

I used to scroll through Instagram, watching rich people flex their lifestyle. They were living my dream while I was stuck in a classroom surrounded by average people who worked for free. I told myself "They are all stupid chicken!"

I saw the legend Travers Beynon, living like a king with hundreds of millions, plenty of wives and girlfriends in Australia, while I was hating my average boring life. I told myself "One day, I will have at least 2 wives and 100 million dollars"

I told myself that I would do anything possible to get rich within the next 5-10 years, live a similar lifestyle, do whatever I want and travel the world. I was hungry and motivated for success to escape my worthless life as fast as possible.


I Tried Every Making Money Online Method, Failed And Lost Money

I saw many people on YouTube and Instagram talking about Dropshipping, Amazon FBA, YouTube Automation, Trading Cryptos and other methods. I also wanted to make money online and not miss these opportunities.

I started dropshipping, tested many products and ads, but the problem was the high ad costs. I wasn't profitable, only experienced break even, resulting in no profits.

I tried every single making money online method for many months and failed. I lost almost all money I saved over the years and fell into a deep depression. I was completely broke again and had only $2,000 left.

I didn’t give up and spent 1 year searching the entire internet, exploring every making money online forum from Blackhatworld to Warrior Forum to Russian Furums I had to translate and watched thousands of YouTube videos.

I knew that if I didn’t find a way to make serious money, I would never escape the system and be my own boss. The thought of going to university, only to end up trapped in a job for life like in school, haunted me.

I was stuck in a cycle like most people, like a slave to the system. I tried all the methods presented, failed with most and began to doubt that I would ever be successful or make significant money.

I never gave up and searched the entire internet for making money methods. At that time ChatGPT didn’t exist. I had to figure everything out on my own by trying everything.


I Discovered The Bulk DM Method 🥳

The day I discovered the Bulk DM SMM Method in a secret Russian SMM Forum changed everything for me.

I started my own SMM business, made 10 sales x $30 = $300 in the first day and it was just the beginning!

I failed at every single making money method and finally found a working method that generated sales every day and is highly profitable!

I scaled my SMM business with the Bulk DM method by sending 1 million messages and made my first $5,000 profit in 1 week.

I was so happy and knew more was possible by just sending more messages. The key is cheap high volume traffic and as many website visitors as possible. I scaled sending messages and achieved my first big financial success.


I Never Went To School Again After Making $10,000+ Profit In A Single Day

At first when I started my business, nobody believed in me not even my parents. They told me I should follow the traditional path, finish school, go to university and get a normal job.

But I knew deep down that my dreams didn’t fit into that misery. I saw a different future for myself, one where I could create something extraordinary, break free from the ordinary, live life on my terms and do whatever I want.

The journey wasn’t easy, but I refused to give up on my vision and scaled my SMM business to the top. And now, looking back, I’m glad I trusted my instincts and chose my own path.

The day I made more than $10,000+ profit with SMM changed everything for me. At this time I was still in school and it was the ultimate proof of success. I never went to school again because I knew I was becoming a millionaire.

The road to success requires taking risks, making sacrifices, and believing in yourself even when no one else does. My advice is to never listen to the advice of people who are not in the position you want to be. Even if you're in the top 1% you're a nobody as you can see👇

Success Story

Now I Just Laugh At These Numbers

Most people accept living an average life and never change something or learn through trial and error. But some people strive for something greater, to live a life of time, location and financial freedom.

For me, it was all about working hard and smart, cloning and developing highly profitable methods and loopholes to reach my goals. Success doesn't come without effort, dedication and short term sacrifices, but the rewards are worth every bit of the struggle.

The sacrifices you make today lay the foundation for the freedom and luxury you build for your future. Rich people are rich because they built and scaled profitable systems many years ago.

Your future success depends on the actions you take today. It's your life, your choice and your time is limited on this planet.


About Richboyjames The Founder Of SMMCASH

Richboyjames is a year old entrepreneur who started his online business at 16 years old. Within just 7 years, he became one of the world’s biggest SMM sellers, SMS marketers, XXX adult website operators, and casino affiliate marketers, without ever showing his face or trading time for money. After failing for years, trying over a hundred methods and analyzing the strategies of many among the world’s 5,000 richest people, he discovered the loopholes wealthy individuals ($100m+) use to generate massive income online.

He makes millions by leveraging secret traffic funneling methods to blast messages to millions of people and convert them into paying customers.

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About Richboyjames
The Founder Of SMMCASH


Richboyjames is a year old entrepreneur who started his online business at 16 years old. Within just 7 years, he became one of the world’s biggest SMM sellers, SMS marketers, XXX adult website operators, and casino affiliate marketers, without ever showing his face or trading time for money. After failing for years, trying over a hundred methods and analyzing the strategies of many among the world’s 5,000 richest people, he discovered the loopholes wealthy individuals ($100m+) use to generate massive income online.

He makes millions by leveraging secret traffic funneling methods to blast messages to millions of people and convert them into paying customers.

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Life Is Only Good When You Can Do Whatever You Want Whenever You Want!

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The Dirty Truth About Tate, Gadzhi, Belmar & Other "Gurus"

These guys aren’t business geniuses, they’re professional marketers and story tellers who figured out the easiest way to make money by selling the dream of getting rich to thousands of people. They can only talk but have no real business.

⚠️ Their real income? Selling worthless courses. They actually make no money from what they teach. If they had to follow their own worthless advice, they would fail like everyone else.

📉 99.99% of people who join their courses stay broke. OnlyFans models make more than their poor students. Meanwhile, unknown entrepreneurs run real Gambling, XXX, SMM, SaaS businesses making more money than them combined.

🔍 Want proof? Search their name + scam or exposed on YouTube. Plenty of people have already exposed them.

✅ The reality? They make some good money, but nowhere near real billionaires with liquid cash. Without their audience, they would be nothing. But every day new chickens wake up to get shredded. They are worth less than Noodlemagazine combined.

From Taking Videos Of My Dream Car In 2016 To Owning Multiple Ones

Lamborghini 1
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In 2016, I saw the Lamborghini Aventador SV for the first time in my life. It wasn’t just a car, it was the ultimate status symbol back then.

At that time, I was 15 years old and had only a few thousand dollars to my name. The idea of owning a Lamborghini seemed impossible, a distant goal that was out of reach.

1 year later at 16 years old, after sleepless nights and failing at every making money online method, I finally achieved success with SMM. In the beginning, it was bringing in just a few hundred dollars per day. It was good money, I was able to buy all the small things I had always dreamed of, like a drone, the latest iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and new clothes. But I knew there was potential for so much more. I wanted to make millions and do anything I want.

By leveraging the Bulk DM Method, I scaled my SMM business to thousands of dollars per day and dropped out of school. I got Number #1 Google SEO Ranking in Europe and the money started pouring in, day and night. Every morning when I woke up, I was making $1,000 to $3,000 while I slept. I proved to my family, who initially didn't believe in me and urged me to follow the traditional education system, that I'm more successful than any of them and on the road to becoming a multimillionaire.

2 years later at 18 years old, I had saved millions and finally purchased my first Lamborghini. I was so happy, I fulfilled my goal and many other cars followed.

I became one of the biggest SMM sellers in Europe & USA, but there was someone far above me: the provider, Mr. Yuri. I encountered him online in a secret Russian forum, where I had to pay $500 to gain access and used Google translate to translate it. The forum featured success stories from top SMM sellers with strategies for generating cheap, high-quality traffic and converting it into profits. One day, I shared my own story: from hating school to making over $10,000,000 in sales and $7,800,000 in profit with SMM.

After posting in the forum, I received messages from people seeking mentorship on generating traffic and making money with SMM. However, I never responded, as I was already making significant money and didn’t need the extra income. They offered me $100, $500, $3,000, and even $5,000 to teach them the exact methods I used to generate traffic and make millions.

One day, I received a message on the forum that read: "Congrats on your success - SMM BOSS YURI." I initially thought it was a joke. I had been using the username "smmboss," so I replied: "I'M THE SMM BOSS."

He responded: "I don’t think you know who I am." Curious, I asked: "Who are you?" He replied: "I made $800,000 with you" I paused, then realized it was the exact amount I had spent to buy the services that I had sold for over $10,000,000 in sales.

I responded, "Teach me how to make more money, and I’ll spend more on your services." He replied "$30,000 for a one hour call".

When the video call started, he logged into his website as the admin and showed me his SMM business dashboard. I couldn’t believe my eyes, 7,000 live visitors and hundreds of orders every minute. I instantly sent him 30,000 USDT. He showed me how to generate even more traffic by sending millions of SMS with links and his database of more than 1 million recurring customers, while I only had 20,000+ recurring customers.

In total, I have spent over $30,000,000 on his website over the past 7 years. You can read the Medium article from 2017 where he was interviewed, he became a multibillionaire.

I spent my entire childhood, from 0 to 16, in poverty, just surviving each day. My life was empty, full of pain, and being forced to go to school was the worst part of it. But then, at 16, everything changed when I started making money. By 18, I became a multimillionaire and gained the freedom to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I went from living a boring life to living the high life. I quickly realized how stupid and negative most people are and decided to separate myself from most of my friends. I escaped my old, dark, miserable life and finally found true happiness through my freedom. A new life had begun.

My Biggest SMM Store Generated Over $70,000,000 In Profit Within 4 Years


The Truth About Making Money Online - How Gurus Are Lying To You And Making Millions From Stupid People Who Dream About Getting Rich

The internet is flooded with so-called "experts" preaching financial freedom, selling their so-called "proven" money making methods. The truth? They don’t make any money from the methods they teach, they make millions selling the dream of getting rich.

❌ Dropshipping - Illusion of Easy Profits

Low profit margins, high return rates, unreliable suppliers, and constant ad costs. The only people making some money are dropshipping course sellers, not dropshippers. Social network owners are the winners making billions, they own the traffic and have money glitch.

❌ Trading - High-Stakes Gamble

Most traders lose everything because they’re up against billion-dollar hedge funds and AI-driven bots. Holding crypto for years and hoping to profit? That’s not a strategy, it’s gambling and dreaming. The real winners? Trading course sellers and exchanges charging trading fees.

❌ Amazon FBA - Hard Business

You pay huge Amazon fees, invest in inventory, and hope it sells. If it doesn’t, you even lose money. Amazon is oversaturated and competing with big brands is nearly impossible. The real money is in selling Amazon FBA courses and Amazon is the winner making billions charging fees.

❌ YouTube Automation - Unrealistic

People think they can start a faceless YouTube channel and print money. Reality check: big YouTubers dominate and it's very hard to start a new channel. It takes many months or years and hard work to be successful on YouTube before making any money. Almost nobody makes life-changing money with this, except for the people selling you the YouTube Automation course, big YouTubers and YouTube making billions with ad revenue share.

So What Actually Works?

If you're tired of chasing dreams and methods that are not working, it's time for a real business model, one that actually generates me money every few minutes. Inside SMMCASH, you’ll learn the Bulk DM & SMS method, the method behind my wealth. You will get access to my custom coded software & tools I'm using to make money.

Life Is A Game - You Have To Win It

Life is a one-time experience with no replays or do-overs. It’s the most important game you’ll ever play and time and money are your 2 greatest resources. Master them and you can do anything or waste them and you lose.

Imagine looking back 5 years from now, proud that you took action, instead of watching others succeed while you stood still. That’s the difference between winning and losing in life.

Inside SMMCASH, you will learn the methods I use to make millions with SMM, DM, SMS, XXX and Casino methods. You will see how I generate massive traffic and convert leads into paying customers. Don’t settle for average. Play to win.


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Few People Succeed - Here’s Why

Anyone who claims it's easy to make money online using the same methods millions of others are trying is lying. If it were that simple, everyone would be rich. The reality? Most people in the world accept their average life and die poor.

Wealth isn’t random, it’s about leveraging the right profitable methods and scaling them effectively. Not everyone can be rich. For you to win, someone else has to lose. Success comes down to outsmarting the competition.

To make millions, you must reach millions of people and convert them into paying customers, selling them what they believe they need. The more people you reach, the more money you make. Inside SMMCASH, you will learn how to generate traffic to reach millions of people.

Most people spend years chasing the wrong strategies. The winners? They find a scalable, profitable system, reinvest their profits, and build unstoppable momentum, increasing their cash flow and skyrocketing their net worth.


Sharing Your Success

One of the greatest rewards of making money is the ability to share it with the people who matter most. Success isn’t just about accumulating wealth, it’s about giving back to those who’ve supported you along the way.

Retiring your family is one of the most meaningful ways to give back, allowing them to enjoy life without financial worries or wasting their years working jobs.

Family and money are the most important things in life. Your family deserves the best. Seeing their happiness and love is priceless.

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My First Wife - The Master Wife

When I was broke, I told myself that I will never have a girlfriend while I was still struggling financially. I didn't want to risk making a woman pregnant when I can't even provide for myself.

I didn’t see any beautiful women where I lived anyways. I come from a small, poor town where most of the women are unattractive. The only beautiful women I ever saw were on Instagram, living the high life in places like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, Monaco or Dubai.

When I achieved my first big financial success and made $3,000,000, it was time to find a hot girlfriend. I used the Bulk DM method to message 200,000 women at the same time.

I redirected them to my profile, and jackpot! 468 women viewed my Instagram Story. I checked out all their profiles and most of them were unattractive, but then I came across the most beautiful profile picture I had ever seen.

I visited her profile and immediately knew she was the one I wanted! Cute face, beautiful eyes, perfect body, a 10/10 supermodel.

I messaged her, but at first, she didn’t reply. I was disappointed, so I sent her thousands of messages using thousands of bots simultaneously because I was determined to get her attention. That way, the only messages she could see were mine.

Then, after a week, she finally replied, saying, "I've never seen anything like this! A thousand profiles messaged me how did you do it?" I explained the method to her, and she responded with "You're very smart"

I invited her for dinner, flew to Los Angeles, purchased flowers and the latest iPhone for her. She told me "I've never received an iPhone on the first date"

Our connection was immediate and intense. We fell in love and she became my first wife. She’s my wonderful queen and supports me in everything I do. We've established a unique relationship where she allows me the freedom to be with any other women I want, as long as she keeps her master wife status and is treated with the respect and loyalty she deserves. It’s a dynamic that works for us, and I’m grateful for the love and understanding we share.

If I hadn’t destroyed her inbox with messages, I might have missed out on the most incredible woman who helped me to meet even more supermodels. She was the first one I took on a luxury vacation in a tropical paradise. She fed me fresh fruits on a yacht, and I had never been happier in my entire life.

My life completely changed with her. I went from being a poor kid with loser school friends to a multimillionaire with the most beautiful woman by my side, on the road to making hundreds of millions and taking over the world with even more supermodels.

Wife 1 Wife 1 Wife 1

My Second Wife

When I decided it was time to find my second wife, I had a very specific type in mind: blonde with a perfect mix of elegance and beachy vibes. I was determined to have my dream blonde wife, so I made a checklist, blonde hair at the top, of course.

This time I hired someone and gave him my checklist to find my next perfect wife for me. He had one job: find me my dream blonde wife. Simple, right? Well, not quite.

The first woman I met checked all the boxes, at least on paper. But when she started talking, her voice was so strange, I couldn’t focus on anything else. She sounded like a duck. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get past it.

The second woman looked stunning in her pictures, but when we met in person, I barely recognized her. The photos she’d used must have been from a decade ago with filters. The disappointment was real.

The third one seemed promising at first, blonde and beautiful. But as soon as I made a joke, she gave me a death stare. She had no sense of humor and told me my jokes were not funny at all. Then she hit me with a line I’ll never forget: "If you want to have fun, you better pay me and I do anything you want." Needless to say, that was the end of that date.

After these 3 disasters, I realized that finding the perfect blonde supermodel wife was going to be harder than I thought.

Months passed, I was enjoying life and spending some time with my first wife at a luxurious 5-star resort. Everything was perfect, gourmet food, stunning views, and the kind of VIP service that made you feel like royalty.

One evening, while we were lounging by the pool, my wife started a conversation with a woman about the incredible food at the resort. I wasn’t paying much attention at first, I was working on my MacBook and sipping on my juice. But then I looked at the woman my wife was talking to, and suddenly, everything else faded away.

She wasn’t blonde at all, she had the darkest most beautiful hair. This wasn’t part of the plan, I was supposed to be finding a blonde, remember? But there was something about her. Maybe it was her smile, those sparkling eyes, or the way she seemed to light up the conversation.

From that moment, we started talking, I realized we matched on every level. We shared the same sense of humor and had a mutual obsession for healthy gourmet food. I discovered she was just as interesting as she looked. We talked about everything, from travel to business.

She told me that her dad owns a tech company and that she’s also a multimillionaire. I had never met a woman before who claimed to be a multimillionaire. This woman was so special, and I felt drawn to her in a way I hadn’t expected. It was clear I wanted her!

My wife, always the understanding and amazing partner, saw the connection and gave me a knowing smile. She liked her very much too, and we all went to my room.

By the end of the night, it was game over, she wasn’t just beautiful, she was incredible with my wife together. And it wasn’t just about her looks, it was the way she made me feel, like I was the luckiest boss on the planet.

I later told her about my original plan to find a blonde wife, and she laughed. "Well, you got me instead," she said with a smile. Now, she’s my second wife. I ended up finding the second woman of my dreams.

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My Third Wife

My second wife introduced me to one of her close friends. She promised me that I would find her very interesting, because she knew I also wanted a blonde wife.

As soon as she entered the room, I was amazed by her blonde hair and breathtaking beauty. I was smiling like I won the lottery.

As we were introduced, I was mindblown. We began talking, and I was drawn in by her charm and the way she seemed to light up the room.

I told her "Bow down" and she did it without hesitation. Even my second wife bowed down at the same time, and I couldn't stop smiling. My wife had already told her that I'm not normal.

I instantly loved her. Throughout the evening, we talked about our favorite places, hobbies, and shared interests. But then she suddenly left, and I thought she wasn't interested in me.

Next month, my wives secretly invited her to join us on a luxury trip. We stayed at a stunning beachfront villa with breathtaking views of the ocean. On the second day of the trip, she arrived like an angel. She told me how much she had missed me and complimented me on how handsome and funny I am. I took her aside and asked her to be my girlfriend.

She undressed so quickly, stuck her tongue out and started sucking on my fingers leaving me speechless. With a playful smile, she looked at me and said, "YES MY KING I'M READY, SHOW ME YOUR POWER".

I had never seen a woman undress so quickly, I needed a moment to process what had just happened or if I'm in a dream. From that moment on, I knew she was the right one for me for the rest of my life.

I dated around 6 blonde supermodels before her, and none of them passed my tests. Most were either annoying, boring or stupid.

It was clear that she was the real deal. At that time, I was making around $1,900,000 in profit per month with SMM, XXX, SaaS, Google SEO and Gambling websites. I spent 1 week with her on a yacht and every moment was unforgettable. The view of her in her bikini with her supermodel body and blonde hair, was amazing, adding a new level of enjoyment to my life. It felt like I had arrived in heaven, and with each passing day, I was living the dream I’d had for the past 5 years.

Thanks to my second wife, I found my first blonde supermodel wife I had been seeking all along. She is very happy now living together with her best friend.

Wife 3 Wife 3 Wife 3

I Went From Surviving In Cheap $700/Month Apartment With My Mom To Living In Luxury Multi Million Dollar Miami Penthouse With My Wives

For my entire childhood, I lived in a small $700/month apartment like a container, and I hated my life. The walls were so cheap and thin that I heard every sound from the neighbors, which drove me crazy. Carrying groceries up and taking the trash down the stairs without an elevator was just annoying, a constant struggle for both my mom and me. But the worst part for me was going to school with low IQ people and sleeping in a $200 wooden bed that squeaked.

My life was completely shit, but I'm thankful that my mom fed me. It was during those times that I realized the true value of money. Maybe if I had been born into an upper middle class or wealthy family, I would have never achieved the level of the ultimate success I have today.

The day I moved into one of the most luxurious buildings in Miami, with my wives at just 20 years old, I knew I had made it. Standing in that luxurious space, surrounded by everything I had ever dreamed of with the most beautiful women by my side and 80 million dollars liquid cash. I had worked very hard to reach this point and now I'm living a life most people could only imagine.

A woman standing with multiple suitcases
Three women posing on a balcony with an ocean view
Modern interior with ocean view

After a while all became just part of the routine. What once felt like a dream come true became the new normal. I realized something important: it wasn’t the money or the lifestyle that made me happy, it was the journey, the growth, the feeling of achieving something that seemed impossible.

I started with nothing, worked hard for 7 years, endlessly coding and designing through the nights, facing major downfalls along the way. I’m the living proof that you can achieve anything you want if you work hard and have the right methods to make money. Now I live the life I was just dreaming about 7 years ago. I went from hating my average life with only a few thousand dollars and no girls, to loving my life in freedom with millions and multiple wives.

My Fourth Wife

One evening, while scrolling through Instagram during dinner, something extraordinary happened. As I was about to take another bite, my thumb paused over a profile that was so beautiful it made me stop eating.

I couldn’t resist showing her profile to my wives. They agreed that she is exceptionally beautiful.

Without wasting a moment, I sent her the message “I think you would look amazing in my Lamborghini”.

She replied within 24 hours and we decided to meet in person. Our first date was set up at a high-end restaurant, and I arrived in my Lamborghini, just as I had suggested. When she walked towards me, I was struck again by her beauty and grace.

We enjoyed a delightful evening filled with laughter and engaging conversation. However, as the night progressed, it became clear that convincing her to live with my wives would be a challenge. She expressed a desire to be the only one, which was a significant concern for her.

I understood her hesitation, but I was determined to find a way to make this work. I told her she would need to share all luxury designer bags with my wives, but I would buy her a diamond ring to signify her place in my life. Additionally, I made it clear that if she is not serious and ever chose to leave, she would need to return all luxury items, including the diamond ring, to ensure they would be passed on to the next woman.

Despite the unconventional arrangement, she took time to consider my proposal. It was clear that the idea of sharing was not something she had anticipated.

I also had the requirements that she's only allowed to eat healthy and wear the clothing that my wives and I approved of to match the perfect style.

After telling me "you're crazy" and some reflection, she agreed to the terms.

I told her "we will go shopping tomorrow" and she answered "amazing" with a big smile.

Her acceptance was a testament to her willingness to embrace the unique dynamics of our relationship, and after 1 year I was thrilled to welcome her as my fourth wife.

Most women want to be the only one. However, with 4 billion women in the world, and 40 million of them being supermodels, 90% may not accept such an arrangement, but 10% (4 million) will. I became successful by failing over 30 businesses before I found the right methods to make money. The same principle applies to finding women who are willing to share. If you never try, you’ll never know. You have nothing to lose.

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My Fifth Wife

I pulled up in my LaFerrari at one of New York’s most exclusive rooftop bars, with my first wife by my side, while my other wives followed in my Maybach SUV, with my bodyguard behind.

As we entered the rooftop bar, the attention of everyone immediately shifted towards us. I spotted a beautiful blonde supermodel standing by the bar, and sent my first wife to her to make the initial approach, my way of saving time and letting others break the ice. I'm a mastermind but I'm bad at speaking.

When my wife introduced me and asked her to come to my table, the woman turned, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. “Sure,” she responded, her voice smooth and inviting “I’m Khloe”.

In that moment, I was surrounded by the 5 most beautiful women in the bar, and the eyes of everyone were on us.

We began talking, and the connection was immediate. Khloe wasn’t just beautiful, she was engaging, with a sharp mind and a sense of humor that perfectly complemented mine.

When I shared my journey from a small-town life to achieving success and living together with four wives, she listened intently, her genuine interest evident in her thoughtful responses and amused laughter.

I decided to take her for a drive in my LaFerrari. The city lights reflected off the sleek curves of the Ferrari as we cruised down the avenues.

At first she was definitely scared by my armed bodyguards following us.

We returned to my wives and Khloe asked “Isn’t this considered cheating? Are you from the mafia? Why do you need 2 bodyguards?”

I replied “I’m cheating in life”.

Khloe laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “Okay, I can see that” she said.

Before the night ended, I made sure to get Khloe's number and we continued to see each other. The more time we spent together, the more I realized how unique our connection was.

Khloe accepted all my wives and became my fifth wife and together, we continued to explore the world, making new memories.

She never has to work again and enjoys the good life with her friends or me every day.

Wife 5 Wife 5 Wife 5

My Sixth Wife

I went to Jamaica to find an exotic woman with crazy curves who could be my next princess. The island's vibrant culture, stunning beaches, and relaxed vibe made it the perfect destination for my search. I’d heard stories about the women there and wanted to see if the rumors were true.

I decided to check out a beach bar known for its lively atmosphere. As I scanned the place, I found that 70% of all women were ugly.

Then, I saw her. She was the perfect big booty princess, the kind of woman who commanded attention without even trying. Every man in the place was looking at her, and it was clear she was the main attraction. Her presence was magnetic, and I knew instantly that she was the one I’d been searching for.

I walked up to her with my bodyguard, an ex-Marine built like a gorilla, ignoring the other guys who were eyeing her like she was a prize to be won. I leaned in and said, “I want to add you to my collection”.

She gave me a strange look and replied, “What do you mean?”. I told her, “My goal in life is to have 30 wives and 3 billion dollars, and you’re the perfect exotic princess I’ve been looking for.” I then showed her pictures of all my wives on the iPad my bodyguard handed me.

She started laughing, a mix of shock and amusement on her face. “You’re joking, right? I have a boyfriend,” she replied and wanted to walk away, as if that would be enough to stop me.

I wasn’t fazed. I asked her “What are you doing here then? Where is your boyfriend? Is he a chicken? Do I have to fight him? I'm the fucking king”

She answered "He's at work right now."

I leaned in closer and said, “We can extract him from his job right now just give me the address. I can’t die before you feed me naked.”

At that moment, an old, fat man nearby overheard the conversation and tried to attack me. I was ready to slap him with my 12.9-inch iPad Pro, but my bodyguard stepped in between us.

She laughed and clearly wasn’t used to someone like me, a man who didn’t care about anything. I could see the wheels turning in her head, curiosity in her eyes.

She didn’t give me her number, but we followed each other on instagram.

I rented one of the biggest mansions in Jamaica, made some Instagram stories, and after a week, she replied, “I want to meet you” and visited me that same day.

That night, we talked more, laughed more, and as it turned out, her average boring boyfriend was history. She told me she had never seen a man like me, someone who would approach her with an iPad full of women. As the night went on, it became clear that I wasn’t leaving Jamaica without her.

It's the most legendary story of all, one that nobody in my family will ever forget.

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My Seventh Wife

The story of how I met my seventh wife is not as entertaining as that of my other wives.

I sent out 100,000 messages with the Bulk DM Method, sharing my profile to women who posted under the "Miami Beach" location. The plan was simple: when they visit my profile and view my story, I can message them and there is a high probability that I can compare them in their bikini pictures. I found the perfect one who is also smart.

I found the perfect match, a woman who not only met my criteria but also impressed me with her exceptional intelligence.

Wife 7

Money Is the Key to Everything

Money solves 99% of all problems and offers the freedom to live life to its fullest and have the best experience on earth.

Most people are trapped in a system they will never escape. They accept their misery and never truly live, they simply survive, making just enough money to get by. I know exactly what that feels like, I lived this way for 16 years.

The wealthy operate differently and enjoy life on their own terms. While the majority work for pennies, the rich maintain multiple streams of passive income that generate money without requiring them to trade time for it.

The world is unfair and most people will stay poor forever until they die. You have two choices: complain and stay stuck or leverage the system to your advantage. Winning means outcompeting everyone, selling them what they believe they need, and building wealth while others work and waste their lives without ever truly living.

Successful people live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. They can afford the best food, maintain their health, and manage stress effortlessly, all because of financial freedom.

You only have one life so don’t waste it. Inside SMMCASH you will learn the Bulk DM & SMS method, the secrets behind my success and all other working business strategies I have cloned from successful people and developed by myself.

Fighter Jet

Here's What To Do Next


Step 1: Click the "Join SMMCASH" button anywhere on this page

Step 2: Enter your email and complete signup

Step 3: You will get access to the SMMCASH members area & Richsmm.com

How & when will I get access?
You will get instant access to the members area and all tools I use to make money as soon as you sign up via email.
How can I make money with this method?
You will learn how to generate massive traffic by blasting millions of messages. You can reach 1000 people for less than $3 with the method I'm teaching.
How did you become so successful?
I'm the operator of one of the biggest SMM, XXX & Gambling websites in the world and send billions of messages. I have big websites in Number #1 Global Google SEO Ranking.
Why you don't show your face?
I can get anything I want and make millions without face. 200,000+ members and I will show my face with bodyguards, but I will never do interview, only swim in money and women.
I live in X country. Is it a problem?
Not at all. You can do this method from anywhere in the world, you just need an internet connection. it doen't matter where you're from.
How much time do I need to make money with this method?
You only need to do a one-time setup, which takes around 30 minutes, and then just 10-20 minutes every day. You'll learn how to make money on autopilot.
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Earnings Disclaimer: Results may vary and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real. These results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated and driven clients have done and should not be taken as average or typical results. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result. These sales figures are my own and not typical. I’ve spent seven years in sales, marketing, and advertising, building an audience. Most people who buy “how-to” guides see little to no results. Your success depends on factors like experience, effort, and work ethic. Business involves risk and consistent action. If you’re not ready for that, this product isn’t for you.